The council’s Animal Welfare team has become aware of an increasing number of unlicensed dog boarding establishments operating within the city. A time-limited amnesty is being granted by the council, so any unlicensed premises can come forward and apply.

Unlicensed premises can often be badly run, with poor conditions, little control over the dogs that are kept there, and without any insurance cover.

Cabinet member for planning and regulation, Councillor John Swindells, said:

“All dog owners have the right to expect that boarding premises where they leave their beloved pets satisfy basic standards relating to their health, welfare and safety and that the licensee is a fit and proper person to hold such a licence.
“By using licensed establishments dog owners can be confident that the premises comply with strict licensing conditions and the proprietors strive to guarantee the highest standards of animal care.
“The council is already aware of a number of unlicensed premises in Preston and if they do not come forward within this amnesty period, they may face criminal charges, and be taken to Court.”

The team urges all dog owners to check that they are leaving their pet dogs with a licensed animal boarding establishment. Licences have to be prominently displayed at the premises in the public area and available on request.
We would also urge members of the public to report any unlicensed dog boarding establishments that they become aware of.
If you are receiving payment for looking after other people’s dogs are but are unsure if you require a licence please contact our Animal Welfare team for more information and advice.
Every person who boards somebody else’s dog and receives payment for doing so must be licensed. This means that anyone operating as hosts for well-known home boarding organisations, such as Barking Mad, Digs for Dogs, and UK Holidogs are likely to need licensing.
Other premises that might need licensing include businesses that ordinarily work with dogs such as dog walkers or dog groomers, who build a rapport with their clients and then look after their clients dogs when they go on holiday etc.
The Animal Welfare team can be contacted online: or call 01772 906907.